We decided to join the Disney Vacation Club this year and took advantage of the free points to visit with The Mouse over Labor Day weekend. It's always great to spend time with the family and this one was no exception. It was a great trip! Went to the Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot.
The Magic Kingdom was all made up for Halloween. Friday night was the first night of Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween. Kids of all ages dress up in costumes and trick or treat in the park. My daughter went as Hannah Montana. Rest of the family went as ourselves, which is scary enough.
As I've said before, vacations are all about memories. Here are some of the memories I will take away from this trip:
- Saratoga Springs Resort - Very nice and right next door to Downtown Disney. Had a two bedroom suite with a full kitchen and living room. Loved riding the bus everywhere! Our car never moved once we got on-site
- Jogging through Downtown Disney. Saw some stores hadn't ever seen before. It's pretty peaceful when all the stores are closed
- My daughter blushing every time one of the cast members said, "There's Hannah Montana!"
- My wife getting excited over the Halloween pins
- People oohing and aahing over the pin collection she already has. She needs 3 lanyards!
- My kids enjoying the Haunted Mansion...both times. Wanted to go again but didn't have time
- Shorter lines! With the exception of the Toy Story game at Hollywood Studios, don't think we waited in any line more than 15-20 minutes. Probably shouldn't have told that
- Trading for more Muppet pins. Especially loved the Beaker pin I got
- The Boo to You Parade. Awesome music. Still echoing in me brain
- The Lights, Motors, Action! stunt show at Hollywood Studios. Muy bien!
- Going through the American Movie Institute exhibition at the end of the Backlot Tour. Very cool costumes. Too dark to take a photo of Darth Vader, but the Darth Sith picture was good
- Breakfast with the characters at Chef Mickey's. Side benefit - since the kids saw the characters at breakfast, they didn't ask to stand in the long lines at the park to see them
- My son loving Stitch in Time ride! Can still smell that chili dog Stitch ate, though. Yuck!
- Scoring 493,000+ points in the Buzz Lightyear game. Yes!!!!
- My daughter getting a Bippity Boppity Bootique makeover
- Watching her blush when people called her "Princess"
- Soarin' at Epcot. Would stand in line for 2 hours to ride that one again. However, as The Mrs. pointed out in my Facebook post, will be waiting alone if that happens. Fortunately, only had to wait about 20 minutes this time
- Kids wanting to stay at Innoventions most of the day. Got to stay in the A/C! Woohooo!
- Downside - they have a neat fire prevention exhibit there. My son worried about fire hazards and ended up sleeping with us that night. Thank God for king-sized beds!
- Learning how to ride a Segway
- Going on the Kim Possible mission through France and finding the clues on the first try. Well, most of them, anyway
- The Hoop Dee Doo Review - Awesome food and entertainment
- Kissing Miss Claire - twice!!! (She asked me to. It was part of the show)
- My daughter stomping to my side of the table to ask why I cheated on Momma!
sounds like a super time!!! Love the pics!!! and too cute "why did you cheat on momma??"