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Welcome to my blog! I ruminate on random thoughts rattling around in my brain. Subjects range from reality TV to current events and everything in between. Whether you agree with me or not, I welcome your comments. God gave you the ability to think for yourself, and this country was founded based on the right to have your own opinion. Who am I to question that? Hope you enjoy! And, if you like to shop on the internet, or have always wanted to try, please feel free to click on one of the banners on the left. Do admit I get a small commission for anything you buy through the links. Appreciate it if you do decide to buy something!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We're Not Gonna Take It

Been reading a lot of analysis on this whole Massachusetts-election thing. Have had a chance to ruminate on what happened and why and thought I'd share my thoughts on it for what they're worth.  These opinions apply to both parties so please don't think I'm trying to single either party out:

Think what both parties are overlooking is, in the grand scheme of things, neither one represents the whole country.  In fact, would venture to say neither one of them even represent half of the country. A majority of folks probably consider themselves independent from both parties.  We just have to vote for one of the two major parties cuz that's all we really got to choose from.  But, whenever a party gets the majority in Congress and/or the White House, they automatically think the whole country only cares about what they have to say.  "We have been given a mandate by the American people!" to which I say "Bullfeathers!  You have, but not what you think!"  The real mandate is we're looking for folks to get along and actually get something done that makes a lot of folks happy, not just one party. When they overlook their counterparts on the other side of the aisle, they aren't listening to a large number of citizens in our great land, which angers a lot more people than makes happy.  The term 'compromise' seems to have died when Henry Clay did.

In the specific case of health care reform, think most people in the country realize reform is needed and want to see it done.  However, they are not happy with this particular brand of reform being forced down their throat.  It appears they are more worried about getting something passed than getting the right thing passed.  Besides, if this reform is 'The Answer,' why won't it apply to Congress, too?  Seems to me (and others) like they would want this health care themselves if it's as great as they say it is.  Anyway, I digress...

The politicians usually make the basic excuse that people opposing their ideas are just angry hate-mongers who don't love their country.  Well, they're partially right.  People are angry all right.  But it ain't cuz they're hate mongers who hate their country.  It's cuz they love their country and they are tired of being ignored!

Politicians from both sides usually say they are going to be bipartisan and work with the other party in the spirit of togetherness while they are campaigning.  However, what they really mean to say is, they are going to be bye-partisan, and tell the other side to kiss their behind cuz we're in control now.  We've all heard politicans on both sides of the aisle say these things just in the last 15 years or so.  In fact, this philosophy has been around since the beginning of our great country.  So, it shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone when that's how it ends up going down.

Was Tuesday's vote a vote against President Obama or the system? My answer would be the system as polls seem to indicate folks generally like him although they are not real sure about his policies right now.  The key to any election is how many independent voters show up, what they want, and who they vote for.  Say right now, as always, they just want to be listened to.  As long as neither party chooses to believe this, we will keep bouncing from side to side with the optimistic hope they actually mean it this time.  Maybe this election will serve as a wake-up call for both parties, but somehow doubt it will.

As always, thank you for your time.  And, I'm interested in what you think about all this, whether you agree with me or not.  Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an e-mail.

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